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6. Boyfriend

14. Boyfriend

Panel 1

Paul: (Frowning) Why does she like you and not me?

Stefan: Because you’re too…extra.

Panel 2

Paul: (Annoyed) What’s that supposed to mean?

Stefan: You do too much.

Paul: What?

Panel 3

Stefan: Remember that time I had a cooking contest to determine who my girlfriend would be? You didn’t have to win to prove your point.

That’s a long story for another time ^^^.

Panel 4

Paul: (Raising an eyebrow) You never officially broke up with me. So, technically, I’m still your boyfriend, right?

15. Boyfriend II

Panel 1

Paul and Stefan are walking home from school, hand in hand. Behind them are Evan and Miguel.

Panel 2

Stefan: (Complaining) See, this is what I mean by “extra”.

Miguel: (Aside, confused) But why are you going along with it?

Panel 3

They arrive at Paul’s house.

Paul: (Teasing) Thanks for walking me home boyfriend!

Panel 4

Paul: (Leaning forward) Kiss me goodbye.

16. Boyfriend III

Panel 1

Stefan: (Stammering) A-a-a kiss goodbye?

Panel 2

Stefan blushes.

Panel 3

Stefan leans forward and gives Paul a quick kiss on the lips.

Panel 4

Paul, Evan and Miguel—but especially Paul—are shocked.

17. Boyfriend IV

Panel 1

Paul is rubbing his lips with the sleeve of his shirt and sputtering.

Evan: (Yelling) Did you actually kiss him!?

Miguel: (Aside) I was not expecting that.

Panel 2

Stefan: (Yelling, defensively) He asked for it!

Paul: I was joking!

Panel 3

Stefan: (Blushing, his entire face red, fussing) Well the joke is on you!

Paul: (Lamenting) That was my first kiss!

Panel 4

Stefan: (Freaking out) Oh spit! That was mine too!

Miguel: (Aside, in disbelief) He didn’t think about that before he did it?

18. Boyfriend V

Panel 1

The four guys are sitting around in Paul’s living room, thinking about what just happened.

Evan: why did You actually kiss him.

Stefan: (Blushing) He looked like he really wanted a kiss.

Panel 2

Stefan: (Sighing) I know he really likes me. So I decided, why not?

Paul, Evan and Miguel rear back in shock.

Panel 3

Paul: (Insisting) Stefan I don’t like you like that!

Panel 4

Stefan: (Shocked) You don’t!?

Paul: (Guilt-ridden) Um…

Comic Characters


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