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17. Keychain

37. Keychain

Panel 1

The guys are at the mall!

Panel 2

Nana is looking at fancy colored leggings.

Paul: I don’t think that’s your style.

Nana: Yeah, you’re right.

Panel 3

Evan spots a display where they are selling keychains.

Panel 4

Evan: (Thinking, intensely) The limited edition Mina-chan deluxe keychain!

38. Keychain II

Panel 1

Evan: Nana!

Nana: What?

Panel 2

Evan: They have limited edition Mina-chan keychains over there.

Nana: …

Panel 3

Nana: Let me guess. You want me to buy it because you’re too embarrassed?

Panel 4

Evan nods.

Nana: (Rolling her eyes) You’re so lucky I’m so nice.

39. Keychain III

Panel 1

Nana looks at the keychains.

Panel 2

Nana goes to the register to buy her stuff.

Nana: I’m buying these.

Panel 3

Cashier: Oh, this keychain is pretty popular with boys. This is the first time I’ve ever seen a girl buy one.

Panel 4

They are walking away from the store.

Nana: (Scolding) See Evan? Stop being so embarrassed. Only boys love that show.

Comic Characters


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